Trust your body. It is magnificent — and it knows what it’s doing!

Take it from me, Dr. Amy Porto, your anti-diet registered dietitian, nutrition professor, and intuitive eating counselor.



Trust your body. It is magnificent — and it knows what it’s doing! Take it from me, Dr. Amy Porto, your anti-diet registered dietitian, nutrition professor, and intuitive eating counselor.

What If …

Imagine having the freedom to eat anything you wanted.

What if you had permission to eat the foods you enjoy? Or you could eat for satisfaction and pleasure — not restricting what you really wanted because of someone else’s rules? The bigger question is … why is having to “imagine the freedom to eat what you want” even a thing?

Well, it’s likely because you’ve heard the following at some point in your life:

Nutritionist USA
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Ultimate health goals start with losing weight or being a certain size or “taking control over your eating” in one restrictive form or another.

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Healthy eating means “clean eating” or finding the right system or program that takes the guesswork out of choosing your meals.

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Eating healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet (something I could rant about all day because this still includes adopting food rules and reinforces restrictive behaviors that keep you stuck in a cycle of dieting).

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Amy Porto - Intuitive Eating
Here Is The Truth

The diet industry needs you to be a repeat customer.

So, they play on every insecurity that society’s beauty and health standards have embedded into our lives (otherwise known as diet culture).

Then, they offer you a solution that is always too good to be true.

A magic fat loss pill. An “eat only this” system, like no carbs, no sugar, only high protein diets. A miracle to shed weight, like fasting or liquid-only diets.

And while some of these so-called solutions may work in the short-term, the key word is “short-term.” 

What they’re feeding you (pun intended) are manufactured products (and oftentimes gimmicks) to keep you coming back for more.

I’m not good with that — you shouldn’t be either.

watermelon half

I have a better idea. 

How about we get off the diet roller coaster and into a better relationship with food?

How about we learn to trust our bodies again so we can feel confident about what we want to eat?

How about we work toward living in a world where we’re not held hostage by health and diet fads?

That’s the dream, and I’m here to help.

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fresh orange

As Seen In

Start Fresh

Ditch diets once and for all.

As your go-to nutrition expert and Registered Dietitian, with a BS in Biochemistry, a PhD in Nutrition Science, and over 20 years of experience, it’s my goal to guide you through all the mainstream diet culture noise that has kept you in a cycle of “can’t” and “don’t.”

My job is to help you transform your relationship with food — for the rest of your life.

Nutritionist America

Through our work together, you’ll:

Let’s Start

Your journey to a restored relationship with food starts here.

Amy Porto How To Eat Pizza

Stay Connected!

Be a part of the conversation as I cover all kinds of nutrition topics exclusively through email. 

Bunch of vegetables
Amy Porto - Healthy Intuitive Eating